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‘The Hysterical Sublime’ at FiveMyles

August 31, 2023, 1 pm6 pm.
Barbara Friedman SMALLER

The Hysterical Sublime

Wed, Aug. 30, 6:30pm: Exhibition walk-through with Tom McGlynn
Tues., Sept. 5, 5:30-8pm: Closing Reception

Since the lockdown Barbara Friedman has been thinking about wildlife, bodies, and the blurring of categories, and she created a series of paintings she calls “The Hysterical Sublime”. These are scenes of intimacy, something we both desire and fear. In her paintings Friedman tries to turn something that feels like the sublime into actual creatures that appear spontaneously and connect with each other in unexpected ways.

In her paintings these creatures are sometimes human and sometimes not. She does not start with pre-determined images; instead, she brings out the imagery, suggested by poured pools of oil paint, and passes it on to the viewer.


558 St. Johns Place
Brooklyn, 11238 United States