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Sculpt Your Own Chopstick Holder Set

February 9, 6 pm8 pm.

Join The WonderMart, for an intimate two hour hand building ceramics workshop in celebration of the Lunar New Year!

Brooklyn based ceramics artist, Haewon Jung, will lead this class teaching basic techniques to work with clay. All experience levels are welcome. Get creative with form and color to craft a one of a kind scultped chopstick holder set for your home or as a gift for a friend!

All materials will be supplied. Attendees also receive 10% off an in-store purchase during the event!

Once the workshop is over, each completed chopstick holder will be glazed and fired by the instructing artist. Attendees will be notified via email when their piece is ready to be picked up (within 2-3 weeks of the event date).

Only 8 seats are available for this special workshop.

Refunds are not available for no-shows. In the event you receive a positive covid diagnosis, please contact the office to refund your ticket.


141 India St
Brooklyn, NY 11222 United States