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Private Party Variety Show

March 21, 7:30 pm9:30 pm.

Private Party is a variety show and satire about how the process of trying to create in New York has become a spectacle itself. The performance piece exposes the things artists talk to each other about hating, but worry about sharing in public. Experience a night that does the impossible and turns artistic nightmares into a fun, boozy, exclusive, immersive private bash that’s fun for everyone who likes to party.

Running around 90 mins, with food and drinks throughout, it’s a waiting game, a protest, a birthday, a funeral and a tax write-off. It’s illegal in six different states, it’ll make you look five pounds thinner and it’ll defund the NEA. Join One Whale’s Tale and a crew of taste makers, downtown legends, formerly incarcerated geniuses, and at least one nepo baby as they fight for their lives against the American non-for-profit industry.

This is One Whale’s Tale first solo production – no non-profits, no red tape. Ticket sales and concessions go directly to paying cool artists fair wages so plz drink the bar dry.


563 Johnson Ave Floor #2
Brooklyn, NY United States