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NYC Secret Pop-up Film Festival

June 29, 5:30 pm – 10 pm.

🍿 Whether you’re a cinephile, a rebel at heart, or just someone craving an alternative cinematic experience, this is the place to be.

🏆 Expect the unexpected, embrace the unconventional, and join us for a night that’s not just an event—it’s a movement. This is more than an indie film festival. It’s a dope, underground NYC indie rendezvous that will leave you craving more.

âś… Dive into an eclectic lineup of edgy indie films that defy the mainstream, each one a rebellious anthem against the ordinary. Rub shoulders with the avant-garde filmmakers pushing boundaries and sparking conversations. Our venue is a hidden gem, an intimate space where the energy is contagious, and the vibes are as authentic as the city streets.


274 Morgan Avenue, Suite #201
Brooklyn, NY 11211 United States