BROOKLYN MADE | 51 35th St, Brooklyn, NY 11232


Join us for the opening reception of In the Echoes on June 1st | 1pm – 4pm at our Industry City location. There will be a Story Time / Book Signing with author and illustrator Melanie Hope Greenberg.Curated by Elizabeth Tolson

An echo is a place in time when a thought can be repeated or developed.
An echo is a moment to catch yourself.
An echo is the space after or the space before.
An echo can feel empty but full with repetition.
A mother’s work is made in an echo.
A moment of rest is an echo.
A mother’s thoughts are made in an echo.
An echo is repetition, it is an unseen movement of labor moving through time.

In the Echoes” features the work of 10 mother artists who all have ties to Brooklyn, New York. Their work brings together a diverse range of stories about experiences with fertility, labor, and caregiving.

This exhibition delves into the nuanced experiences of mothers, capturing the echoes of their lives—the fleeting moments, the reflections, the pauses, and the relentless rhythms of nurturing amidst the chaos. Some pieces tenderly portray maternal bonds, while others reveal the arduous labor behind their creation, symbolizing the multifaceted nature of mothering and the artistic process alike. Throughout history there is a common thread that brings artist caregivers together and that is the balance of time to make work and to take care of children. Just as an artist shapes raw materials into a finished piece, a mother molds and nurtures the lives of her children, often behind the scenes and without recognition.

Participating Artists: 

Colleen Ho, Elissa Medina, Frïd Branham, Kathie Halfin, Lauren Skelly Bailey, Loretta Lomanto, Luiza Kurzyna, Maria Yolanda Liebana, Mary Younkin, Zoë Frederick