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Dumbo Drink and Draw: Pen + Ink Observational Drawing

August 8, 2023, 6 pm8 pm.
WORKSHOP FEE $20 Includes All Art Supplies or FREE: NO Art Supplies Included

Using India ink, dip pens, soft bristle brushes, and water, learn to create form and learn to really see what is in front of you. With a still life on each table, Eric will walk through how to properly use well-loved ink methods and ink washes to create intrigue and strong pieces.

Eric Ramos Guerrero is a multidisciplinary artist based in New York City whose work investigates ideas of The West through landscapes of suburban California, the US/Mexican border and the tropical spaces of western expansion. Ramos Guerrero exhibits work internationally, including The Drawing Center NY, El Museo De Barrio NY, The Knockdown Center NY, Beaux Arts FR, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, White Box NY, ICPNY, Inside-Out Museum Beijing, Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery Belgium, and Green Papaya Philippines.  Ramos Guerrero has been a resident artist at The Drawing Center NY, Marble House Project Residency, and Triangle Arts Organization.

This is an adult-ONLY event (Strictly No children allowed).


98 Water St
Brooklyn, NY 11201 United States